افتخار راجہ
Pakistan Needs You !
Help the Earthquake Victims
We are a unquestionably a Great Nation, now its time to show our Greatness. Our Brothers and Sisters are calling us, They need our Help and Support.
The whole Nation is in Deep Pain.
Please Come Forward and Donate generously. Help bring food, shelter and assistance to those now suffering. Pakistan Needs You !
Ways to send your Donations:
President Relief Fund for
Earthquake Victims-2005
Citizens, community based organization and NGOs wishing to contribute towards President's Relief Fun for Earthquake Victims are requested to send/deposit their donations in the above fund opened with the following:
All Branches of the State Bank of Pakistan
All Treasuries
All Branches of National Bank of Pakistan
All Branches of Habib Bank of Pakistan
All Branches of United Bank of Pakistan
All Branches of Muslim Commercial Bank of Pakistan
All Branches of Allied Bank of Pakistan
Donations, both from domestic and International donors can be deposited in the above branches of the Banks. Donations from abroad can be deposited at all the branches of above banks in foreign countries where such branches exist. In other foreign countries where these branches do not exist donations will be received by the Pakistan Missions and remitted to the State Bank of Pakistan.
All proceeds received in the name of the Fund will be credited to the public account of the Federal Government under following Head of Account:-
"G 12 Special Deposit Fund
G 121 - Relief Funds
G 12130 "President's Relief Fund for Earthquake Victims -2005"
Further information and details can be obtained from the following telephones and fax numbers:-
Phone: 051-9208100, 9202528
Fax: 051-9207635
Director General, Emergency Relief Fund, Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Division, Islamabad
Source: "The News" Advertisement, dated 10 October 2005
Central Information Department
Mansoorah, Multan Road, Lahore (Pakistan)
Ph. :+92-42-541 9520-4, Fax : +92-42-543 7950
E-mail: jipmedia@jamaat.org
URL: www.jamaat.org
Edhi Foundation
Contact Edhi Centres across Pakistan. Call Edhi Emergency Telephone 115
Donate Generously in cash or kind for Earthquake victims through Edhi Foundation.
Faisal Edhi: 0300-8263319, 115
Karachi: 021- 2421920, 2201261
Islamabad: 051- 2827844
Lahore: 042-5414211, 7841901, 7980339, 7847050, 7848408, 7847060
Multan: 061- 4583906
Peshawar: 091-2214575
Quetta: 081-2830832, 2830861
Fatimid Foundation
Dr. Sagher 021-2225284, 0300-9210647
Ansar Burney Welfare Trust
Sarim Burney 0300-8243459, 0301-8243459
Donate for Earthquake Victims
" Donations can be deposited in any branch of UBL in Pakistan giving following details.
Account Title
MKRF - Pakistan Earthquake Relief Fund
Bank Name
United Bank Limited
Account No.
Branch Code
Branch Name
Al-Rehman Branch
Branch Address
I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi , Pakistan
For international telegraphic transfer from any bank abroad also indicate
Swift Code
1) You may donate 3-Rs by typing "DONATE" and sending it to "436". All money collected through SMS by Mobilink or
Ufone, will be given to Mir Khalil Ur Rehman Foundation's Relief Fund.
2) Donate to nearest EDHI center.
3) You may go and sumbitt money in any branch of the National Bank, MCB, United Bank, Allied Bank & Habib Bank Ltd. U
can simply walk-in and submit, they'd guide you. These donations would go directly to Govt's relief fund for quake victims.
4) Bilal Masjid, New Garden Town, Lahore, is collecting monetray and/or Material donations.
5) MLK Foundation (Mir Khalil UR Rehman Foundation):
Pakistan EarthQuake Relief Fund
UBL 0102598-5
For International Transfers
6) Ary Digital advertised:
For the reliefs efforts and victims of earthquake please send your donations to
Khawaja Gareeb Nawaz Trust
Account # 010-4843-0
United Bank Limited
7) Pakistan-Canada Association
Royal Bank of Canada
Branch No: 05600
Transit No: 003
Account No: 1009067
Canadian Red Cross http://www.redcross.ca/article.asp?...928&tid=001
9)Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Donations to Victims of earthquake:
10) Oxfam is also collecting donations http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_you_ca...asian_quake.htm
11)Chk Payable to President of Pakistan Relief Fund
Address: Habib Allied International Bank Plc
97 Cannon Street London EC4N 5AE
Sort Code 60-95-11 A/C 04916670
12)Without even leaving your homes, donate by calling GEO on their no 0900-99970 (calls to be charged Rs16+tax)
Pakistan Needs You !
Help the Earthquake Victims
We are a unquestionably a Great Nation, now its time to show our Greatness. Our Brothers and Sisters are calling us, They need our Help and Support.
The whole Nation is in Deep Pain.
Please Come Forward and Donate generously. Help bring food, shelter and assistance to those now suffering. Pakistan Needs You !
Ways to send your Donations:
President Relief Fund for
Earthquake Victims-2005
Citizens, community based organization and NGOs wishing to contribute towards President's Relief Fun for Earthquake Victims are requested to send/deposit their donations in the above fund opened with the following:
All Branches of the State Bank of Pakistan
All Treasuries
All Branches of National Bank of Pakistan
All Branches of Habib Bank of Pakistan
All Branches of United Bank of Pakistan
All Branches of Muslim Commercial Bank of Pakistan
All Branches of Allied Bank of Pakistan
Donations, both from domestic and International donors can be deposited in the above branches of the Banks. Donations from abroad can be deposited at all the branches of above banks in foreign countries where such branches exist. In other foreign countries where these branches do not exist donations will be received by the Pakistan Missions and remitted to the State Bank of Pakistan.
All proceeds received in the name of the Fund will be credited to the public account of the Federal Government under following Head of Account:-
"G 12 Special Deposit Fund
G 121 - Relief Funds
G 12130 "President's Relief Fund for Earthquake Victims -2005"
Further information and details can be obtained from the following telephones and fax numbers:-
Phone: 051-9208100, 9202528
Fax: 051-9207635
Director General, Emergency Relief Fund, Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Division, Islamabad
Source: "The News" Advertisement, dated 10 October 2005
Central Information Department
Mansoorah, Multan Road, Lahore (Pakistan)
Ph. :+92-42-541 9520-4, Fax : +92-42-543 7950
E-mail: jipmedia@jamaat.org
URL: www.jamaat.org
Edhi Foundation
Contact Edhi Centres across Pakistan. Call Edhi Emergency Telephone 115
Donate Generously in cash or kind for Earthquake victims through Edhi Foundation.
Faisal Edhi: 0300-8263319, 115
Karachi: 021- 2421920, 2201261
Islamabad: 051- 2827844
Lahore: 042-5414211, 7841901, 7980339, 7847050, 7848408, 7847060
Multan: 061- 4583906
Peshawar: 091-2214575
Quetta: 081-2830832, 2830861
Fatimid Foundation
Dr. Sagher 021-2225284, 0300-9210647
Ansar Burney Welfare Trust
Sarim Burney 0300-8243459, 0301-8243459
Donate for Earthquake Victims
" Donations can be deposited in any branch of UBL in Pakistan giving following details.
Account Title
MKRF - Pakistan Earthquake Relief Fund
Bank Name
United Bank Limited
Account No.
Branch Code
Branch Name
Al-Rehman Branch
Branch Address
I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi , Pakistan
For international telegraphic transfer from any bank abroad also indicate
Swift Code
1) You may donate 3-Rs by typing "DONATE" and sending it to "436". All money collected through SMS by Mobilink or
Ufone, will be given to Mir Khalil Ur Rehman Foundation's Relief Fund.
2) Donate to nearest EDHI center.
3) You may go and sumbitt money in any branch of the National Bank, MCB, United Bank, Allied Bank & Habib Bank Ltd. U
can simply walk-in and submit, they'd guide you. These donations would go directly to Govt's relief fund for quake victims.
4) Bilal Masjid, New Garden Town, Lahore, is collecting monetray and/or Material donations.
5) MLK Foundation (Mir Khalil UR Rehman Foundation):
Pakistan EarthQuake Relief Fund
UBL 0102598-5
For International Transfers
6) Ary Digital advertised:
For the reliefs efforts and victims of earthquake please send your donations to
Khawaja Gareeb Nawaz Trust
Account # 010-4843-0
United Bank Limited
7) Pakistan-Canada Association
Royal Bank of Canada
Branch No: 05600
Transit No: 003
Account No: 1009067

9)Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Donations to Victims of earthquake:
10) Oxfam is also collecting donations http://www.oxfam.org.uk/what_you_ca...asian_quake.htm
11)Chk Payable to President of Pakistan Relief Fund
Address: Habib Allied International Bank Plc
97 Cannon Street London EC4N 5AE
Sort Code 60-95-11 A/C 04916670
12)Without even leaving your homes, donate by calling GEO on their no 0900-99970 (calls to be charged Rs16+tax)