Are You Ready for Microsoft 'OfficeTalk'?

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OfficeTalk is an integrated Windows-based collaboration solution combining email, calendars, contacts, tasks
"The goal of OfficeTalk is to improve internal communication, enabling employees throughout a company to communicate and collaborate with each other in short posts. These posts are retainable, searchable and viewable by anyone who is a feed subscriber or follower, so they can be used for reference purposes"

How OfficeTalk works

Each user fills out a profile, which is indexed for search.

OfficeTalk has two "feeds" -- one belonging to the user, like on Twitter or Buzz, and the other a "Company Feed" for company communications and conversations. Users can follow other people in the company by subscribing to their feeds.

As on Twitter, each user can specify whether messages sent go only to specific groups (such as followers, ad hoc teams or to the whole department) or if they go to the whole company.

OfficeTalk appears to have a Twitter-like 140-character maximum per message. We can assume that OfficeTalk messages are limited to ensure SMS compatibility. Like Buzz, replies are attached to the original messages and displayed in chronological order to form threads.

OfficeTalk also has a Twitter-like hashtag keywording system, whereby searchable keywords are added to messages and identified with the # symbol. So, for example, if the company has a holiday party each year, the event can be assigned the hashtag #holidayparty. When someone posts a message of note about that event, they add the hashtag: "Hey, can we bring our kids to the #holidayparty?". Any search for the hashtag #holidayparty gets all messages with that hashtag.

OfficeTalk will likely involve APIs that enable the development of custom applications integrated with Microsoft Offic

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