Anonymous poem


While browsing on net i found this poem:):):):):)

An anonymous poem:

In the beginning ...

there was Aristotle,

And objects at rest tended to remain at rest,

And objects in motion tended to come to rest,

And soon everything was at rest

And God saw that it was boring.

Then God created Newton,

And object at rest tended to remain at rest,

And objects in motion tended to remain in motion,

And energy was conserved and momentum was conserved and matter was conserved

And God saw that it was conservative.

The God created Einstein,

And everything was relative,

And fast things became short,

And straight things became curved,

And the universe was filled with inertial frames

And God saw that it was relatively general, but some was especially relative.

Then God created Bohr,

And there was principle

And the principle was quantum,

And all things were still relative

And God saw that it was confusing.

And God was going to create Fergeson,

And Fergeson would have fielded a theory,

And he would have unified,

And all would have been one,

But it was the seventh day,

And God rested,

And objects at rest tend to remain at rest.