Urdu Web

Welcome to Urdu Web

Difficulty reading Urdu

Since most of the content of our website is in Urdu, here is some Urdu text to check if you can read it on your computer.

ر‌ضائی کو غلط اوڑھے بیٹھی ژوب کی قرہ العین اور عظمٰی کے پاس گھر کے ذخیرہ سے آناً فاناً ڈش میں ثابت جو، صراحی میں چائے اور پلیٹ میں زردہ آیا۔

If you do not see all the Urdu characters in the sentence above, then here is some help.

Writing Urdu

Nowadays, one can easily write Urdu text on a computer, for local use or on a website, using Unicode. We have some articles available to help you, dear reader, in getting your computer ready for writing Urdu whatever your operating system. In addition, we have software written by the UrduWeb team to make writing Urdu easier for you. On UrduWeb itself, we have integrated an online, on-screen keyboard so that you can easily type in Urdu on our website.

What is UrduWeb?

Urdu is a major language of South Asia spoken by more than 100 million people.

In the modern world, there is a great need for Urdu to establish itself in computing and on the Internet. Although there are Urdu websites on the internet, most of them use images to present their Urdu content. This is not very useful since their text cannot be searched, copied or otherwise used in any manner. With Unicode support becoming common both in web applications and personal computing, one can now write Urdu text in almost any software. Web, email, chat, blogging, documents, presentations, everything is possible in Urdu. UrduWeb is one of the first websites on the forefront of this technology in the Urdu-speaking world.

The mission of UrduWeb is to bring together Urdu speakers and to popularize the use of Urdu on the web. For this purpose, we are trying:

Some of the work we have been doing on this front can be accessed from the links on the left.

UrduWeb is a volunteer project. We aim to establish a volunteer community that can work together in creating a great Urdu experience on the internet. As the projects here depend on the efforts of volunteers, we urge you to help us in any way you can. If you would like to volunteer or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us.

If you have an open-source software that you would be interested in getting localized into Urdu, please contact our localization team. You can take a look at our current localization projects at our Projects Site.